
Friday, January 9, 2015

Steady Progress

My "Star Canvass" quilt is coming along nicely.

I finished another flower yesterday.  Just three more to go.

I joined Christina Cameli's Craftsy class and am loving it.  I did not realize she was a midwife until joining the class but I recognize and appreciate the gentleness of spirit that she has.  I have the utmost respect for midwives and have found them to have that very same gentleness - I chose to have each of my four babies at home in the bathtub with my beloved midwife, Toni Erickson.  Sadly, Toni has passed on.  

Anyway, I have been pondering what to do with some of the blocks in this quilt and now I know.

The inner square is a paisley design I learned from Leah Day's Free Motion Project.  The outer design is asterisk string that I learned in Christina's class.  It works really well with the overall South West feel of this quilt.  And it is easy and fast to stitch.   The only thing left to decide is how to finish the stars.  I have some ideas on that but nothing solid.

I got a new lamp to sew with yesterday and am really happy with the lighting it provides.

The large silver lamp is the Tertial work lamp from Ikea.  It is perfect.  I had another clamp on work light but it was really old when I got it and it died.   Between the smaller lamp in the back and the Tertial lamp on the side, I can make shadows and light work well for seeing stitching.  I am excited to experiment more with lighting today as I continue to stitch on "Star Canvass."


  1. Wow, this is amazing. I'm interested to know more about your magnifying glass. your quilting looks great.

    1. Thanks for the kind compliment.

      The magnifying glass is a 3.5x lens with a little less than a 2" diameter. It is attached to my macine with tape and is held by a flexible arm. It's not idea. Ideal would be a larger diameter lens that I can see with two eyes from, but weight and size of the lens factors into how it can be attached. This is a work in progress to be sure. I also use the highest power reading glasses (+6.00).

      Best wishes!
