
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Bright Hopes = Done!

This quilt is for my oldest daughter.  It is called "Bright Hopes."  She is eighteen and just starting to figure out who she is as an adult and what she wants to do with her life.  A good mother always has the brightest hopes for her children and this quilt is a reflection of mine for this daughter.  Life does not always feel hopeful or bright especially when you are a teen, so hopefully she will always view this quilt and feel the goodwill I feel for her always.

She loves it by the way.

This is the first whole quilt I have done on my new machine and it came together very quickly.  With the amount of FMQing done on it, it should last a good LONG time.  It took me about a week to piece it and another week to quilt it so read: record time!   But as always, by the time I get to the binding, I am just ready to be DONE with the project and I am glad it is finished and turned out so well.  Gives me bright hopes for my next project already in progress, put temporarily on hold to finish this up.  My Hunter's Star, pic preview in the previous post. 

"Bright Hopes" is a twin size quilt and I had no issues whatsoever with the size of it on the new Juki.  It seemed rather small actually.  The Hunter's Star will finish around queen size so will be quite a bit more quilt to contend with.  But remember, I did my over sized king on my tiny Pfaff so I am confident this will also seem small even though it will be bigger than "Bright Hopes."

I am most proud of the borders on this quilt.  These are the first borders that were NOT wavy at all.  My husband was home when I was adding them and helped me measure and cut precisely.  Notice there are three borders so the zero waviness is like tripe victory!  The piecing of the blocks was "good enough" in some cases and perfect in others.  I'm find with that.

My new machine has a really nice darning foot but I am still getting used to how to "see" and sew with it.  I got a lot of practice here and I know that by the time I finish the Hunter's Star, I will have mastered whatever it is my brain and eyes need to do to "see."

So, that's it for now.  Taking a rest from quilting.  A little tiny rest.